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Expert Dryer Vent Cleaning Pearland TX - Free Estimate

Did you know that dryers are the number one household appliance to cause home fires annually in the United States? Take the steps needed to prevent dryer fires today! If your dryer is extremely hot on the outside and not inside, you smell the scent of burning, or your clothes are taking an excessive amount of time to dry, it may be time to have your dryer vents cleaned. It is recommended that you have your dryer vents checked once every six months and cleaned at least once yearly to prevent a hazardous situation. Lint trappers in your dryer only trap about 40 percent of the lint in your dryer while the rest of the lint blows outside of the home or lands in the dryer vent.

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dust mites removal

Over time, with the assistance of the hot moist air from your dryer and the accumulation of lint air flow in the dryer isn’t able to flow as it should. When air flow is restricted, exhaust gas is backed up and eventually a fire could ignite. Cleaning out your dryer vents saves you a lot of money on your electricity bill as well. When dryer vents are cleaned out, air flow is able to better circulate. Therefore, your dryer doesn’t have to work as hard. Every time you have to use your dryer in a cycle you add an addition .70 cents on top of your energy bill. Think about how much money you are throwing down the drain by using a dryer that isn’t even working as effectively that it has the potential to. Do yourself the favor of calling our team of highly trained individuals to not only save you from a dangerous situation but also can save you from a high electricity bill.

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Carpet Cleaners Pearland Texas
10621 Broadway St, Pearland, TX 77584
Pearland TX, 77584
Monday-Friday: 8AM-8PM
Saturday-Sunday: 9AM-6PM

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